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Led Philips 32PHK4309/12


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Defect: apara logo Philips si restarteaza continuu.

Un soft daca are cineva pentru nand.

Mainboard: 715G6094-M0I-000-004K (WK:1347.3)

Display:   TPT315B5-DXJSFE REV:S1U


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Am revenit dupa ceva timp.

Nu am rezolvat nimic,am scos nand-ul(tc58nvg0s3eta10) si l-am pus pe programator,l-am sters si rescris iar,acum nu se mai aprinde nici ledul,o avea vre-o setare la scriere Beeprog2 si nu stiu eu?Am verificat si nandul nu are bad-uri.Am salvat continutul si in project.

Un soft cred ca ma salveaza.


Editat de emy_dx
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1. Download file “EmptyBurn_package” and unzip it. 
Folder “EmptyBurn_package 2in1” contains 10 files. 
2. Copy the content of folder “EmptyBurn_package 2in1” to the root folder of the USB stick (USB stick must be FAT or FAT32 formatted).
3. Download the latest TV software “PHP_2K15_EU_CTV_autorun.upg” from the Philips website and copy it to the root folder of the USB stick (USB stick must be FAT or FAT32 formatted). 
4. Ensure TV is Power Off (AC mains off).
5. Plug-in USB to TV.
6. DO NOT POWER ON the TV yet! Press and Hold Power Key on the local key board/Joystick.
7. Power On the TV (AC mains on).
8. Wait for 5 seconds until you see that the IR LED starts blinking, thereafter you can release the power key (When the IR LED is blinking, it means software update is in progress).
9. After about 2 minutes, the IR LED will stop blinking (This means the software update is completed).
10. Power Off and power On the TV via AC mains
(If software update is successful, the TV will turn on normally. In the event the software update is not successful, please
- Repeat steps 4 to 9
- Check if the stick is formatted correct and there are no other files/folders on the stick
- Use another USB stick (different brand). Some USB devices are not detected by the TV in this low level step. 
11. If TV turns on normally, it will proceed to upgrade TV software automatically.
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Multumesc mult leoncris

Am urmat toti pasii,fara rezultate,zici ca e mort.Nu inteleg,cand am copiat softul tv-ul facea restart si afisa logo Philips,acum nimic dupa ce i-am pus softul inapoi,am verificat lipiturile la nand,e montat corect,nu stiu ca sa-i mai fac.

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3 hours ago, Costica LCD said:

:aplauze:aplauze:aplauze, multumim pentru soft, cit te-a costat programatorul Beeprog2?, l-ai luat cumva de aici ?

L-am luat de la TME,mi-a fost frica sa iau din alta parte,pretul a fost  5500 lei cu tva fara nici un adaptor.Adaptoarele sunt foarte scumpe,am reusit sa iau cateva.

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