Mircea Postat Ianuarie 20, 2018 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 20, 2018 Cum voiam sa incorporez un ceas intr-un proiect, am avut de ales intre partea clasica pe internet DS1307, 3231 (pe I2C) sau MCP795x0 (pe SPI), etc., sau sa lucrez cu RTCC-ul inclus in cateva familii PIC 16F191xx, 18FJ si 18FK. Cel mai mic PIC (care va putea adresa si un LCD/GLCD/TFT - depinde de model) cu RTCC este 16F19155 (14 pini). Toate sub 2$ bucata la producator dar intre 2-3$ la vanzare (TME.eu). NB: al doilea C din RTCC vine de la calendar. Eu l-am incercat pe un 18F46J50 la care aveam deja un montaj facut. Am folosit oscilatorul intern RC cu PLL, astfel ca PIC-ul rula la 48MHz. Performantele au fost mediocre, dar intrucat pinii T1OSO si T1OSI (la 18FJ sau SOSCO/SOSCI la 18FK) erau ocupati n-am putut sa pun un quartz de 32,768kHz. Evident ca un quartz este obligatioriu si va face o mare diferenta in performante. PIC-ul este conectat la un TFT, codul de mai jos nu face initializarea lui, etc. N-am stat sa curat mai mult codul prezentat. Nu sugerez TFT-ul caci refresh-ul se face aiurea (daca folosesti bibliotecile Mikroe) fata de un LCD sau GLCD. Capturi de cod pentru Mikrobasic, dar cu putin efort pot pune si in Mikroc. Variable folosite: ' Declarations section dim year, day, month, wekday, hours, seconds, minutes as word txt as string[4] Initializare RTCC: ' RTCC Init sub procedure Init_RTCC() asm movlb 0x0F bcf INTCON, GIE movlw 0x55 movwf EECON2 movlw 0xAA movwf EECON2 bsf RTCCFG,RTCWREN end asm PADCFG1.RTSECSEL1 = 1 PADCFG1.RTSECSEL0 = 0 RTCCFG = 0x23 ' set pointer to Year RTCVALL = 0x18 ' set Year to 2018 RTCCFG = 0x22 ' set pointer to Month & Day RTCVALL = 0x20 ' set Day to the 20th RTCVALH = 0x12 ' set Month to Jan (decrements pointer to Weekday & Hours) RTCVALL = 0x13 ' set Hour to 13 RTCVALH = 0x06 ' 0=Sun, 6=Sat. set Weekday (decrements pointer to Minutes & Seconds) RTCVALL = 0x00 ' set Seconds to 00 RTCVALH = 0x15 ' set Minutes to 00 RTCCFG.RTCEN = 1 ' RTCC enabled Delay_ms(800) ' asm movlb 0x0F bcf INTCON, GIE movlw 0x55 movwf EECON2 movlw 0xAA movwf EECON2 bcf RTCCFG,RTCWREN end asm end sub In procedura de initializare a PIC-ului (felul meu de a lucra) se va apela aceasta Init_RTCC(). In bucla principala se introduce: ' RTCC TFT update RTCCFG = 3 ' set pointer to Year year = RTCVALL ' read Year RTCCFG = 2 ' set pointer to Month & Day day = RTCVALL ' read Day month = RTCVALH ' read Month & decrement pointer RTCCFG = 1 ' set pointer to Month & Day hours = RTCVALL ' read Hours wekday = RTCVALH ' read Weekday & decrement pointer RTCCFG = 0 ' set pointer to Month & Day seconds = RTCVALL ' read Seconds minutes = RTCVALH ' read Minutes (pointer already at 0) hours = (((hours and 0x30) >> 4) * 10) + (hours and 0x0F) minutes = (((minutes and 0x70) >> 4) * 10) + (minutes and 0x0F) seconds = (((seconds and 0x70) >> 4) * 10) + (seconds and 0x0F) year = (((year and 0xF0) >> 4) * 10) + (year and 0x0F) month = (((month and 0x10) >> 4) * 10) + (month and 0x0F) day = (((day and 0x30) >> 4) * 10) + (day and 0x0F) ' Time TFT_Set_Pen(CL_GRAY, 1) TFT_Set_Brush(1, 0, 1, LEFT_TO_RIGHT, CL_GRAY, CL_GRAY) TFT_Rectangle(230, 5, 310, 60) TFT_Set_Font(@TFT_defaultFont, CL_AQUA, FO_HORIZONTAL) ByteToStr(hours, txt) TFT_Write_Text(txt, 232, 13) TFT_Write_Text(":", 251, 13) ByteToStr(minutes, txt) TFT_Write_Text(txt, 256, 13) TFT_Write_Text(":", 275, 13) ByteToStr(seconds, txt) TFT_Write_Text(txt, 280, 13) ' Date TFT_Write_Text("20", 232, 30) ByteToStr(year, txt) TFT_Write_Text(txt, 245, 30) TFT_Write_Text("/", 264, 30) ByteToStr(month, txt) TFT_Write_Text(txt, 269, 30) TFT_Write_Text("/", 287, 30) ByteToStr(day, txt) TFT_Write_Text(txt, 293, 30) Link spre comentariu
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