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stai bre, nu ma bate deloc gandul sa ma apuc de sapat. eu eram doar curios ce si cum. din punctul meu de vedere, nu e niciunul pe aici care sa aiba habar despre tot sitemul asta! desigur ca nici eu nu stiu. poate sunt pe aici care au auzit sau au facut ei monede...dar sunt convins ca nu e niciunul care sa aiba habar, la modul serios, despre cum functioneaza chestia cu monedele virtuale. bafta!

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Foarte pe scurt, tu oferi putere de calcul pentru tranzactii financiare, si esti recompensat. Povestea din spate e mult mai complexa. Eu unul nu o inteleg decat foarte superficial.

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chiar credeti ca puterea asta de calcul se bazeaza doar pt tranzactii financiare?

este o imensa putere de calcul la nivel global pt aceste criptomonede, cu asemenea resurse se pot face lucruri mult mai marete, tranzactionarea e pt astia care inca cred in criptomonede.

cum a spus si sharky se poate inchide topicul pt ca nu prea sunt oameni care sa vorbeasca in cunostiinta de cauza si pe subiect, noi inca visam frumos.


pana nu stiti cine sta in spatele acestui "biznis" si ce urmaresc ei defapt prin asta , putem visa la tranzactii si bani picati din cer.

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Bitcoin uses the hashcash proofs-of-work function as the mining core. All bitcoin miners whether CPU, GPU, FPGA or ASICs are expending their effort creating hashcash proofs-of-work which act as a vote in the blockchain evolution and validate the blockchain transaction log.

Like many cryptographic algorithms hashcash uses a hash function as a building block, in the same way that HMAC, or RSA signatures are defined on a pluggable hash-function (commonly denoted by the naming convention of algorithm-hash: HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA256, RSA-SHA1, etc), hashcash can be instantiated with different functions, hashcash-SHA1 (original), hashcash-SHA256^2 (bitcoin), hashcash-Scrypt(iter=1) (litecoin).

In the abstract, a hash function is a mathematical process that takes input data of any size, performs an operation on it, and returns output data of a fixed size.

In a more concrete example, this can be used to take a sequence of letters of any length as input – what we call a string – and return a sequence of letters of a fixed length. Whether the input string is a single letter, a word, a sentence, or an entire novel, the output – called the digest – will always be the same length.

A common use of this kind of hash function is to store passwords.

When you create a user account with any web service which requires a password, the password is run through a hash function, and the hash digest of the message is stored. When you type in your password to log in, the same hash function is run on the word you've entered, and the server checks whether the result matches the stored digest.This means that if a hacker is able to access the database containing the stored hashes, they will not be able to immediately compromise all user accounts because there is no easy way to find the password which produced any given hash.

O bucata de cod care foloseste functia HASH ca sa vezi exact cum merge:

>>> hash("CoinDesk rocks!!")
>>> hash("CoinDesk rocks!!!")
>>> hash("CoinDesk rocks!!!!")
>>> hash("CoinDesk rocks!!!!!")
>>> hash("CoinDesk rocks!!!!!!")
0fe46518541f4739613b9ce29ecea6b6 => SOLVED! (hash-ul incepe cu un 0 de aceea este acceptat ca solutie)

Of course, solving the hash for a bitcoin block – which at the time of writing must start with 18 zeros (mai sus se considera solutie daca incepea doar cu un 0) – requires an extremely large amount of computation (and so the combined processing power of all the computers in the network still takes approximately 10 minutes to solve a block).

It's the need for this large amount of processing power that means new bitcoins get mined over a long period of time, not all at once.

In order to earn bitcoins through mining, you need to put in the huge amount of work necessary to solve a block – and by earning that reward, you're locking in all of the new transactions into a block, which is added to the permanent record of all previous transactions: the blockchain.


pana nu stiti cine sta in spatele acestui "biznis" si ce urmaresc ei defapt prin asta , putem visa la tranzactii si bani picati din cer.

Stii cum functioneaza o banca? Nu-i mare diferenta intre banca si bitcoin. Banca din ce traieste? Merge cineva la prasit sau la cules din banca? NU! Si totusi nu au bani picati din cer dar nici o alta sursa de venit decat tranzactii: plati, imprumuturi, etc.. Sper ca nu crezi faptul ca banca incepe cu un capital si ajunge sa se imbogateasca doar din rularea acelui capital.

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