Marian Postat Iunie 28, 2018 Partajează Postat Iunie 28, 2018 Am reparat acum link-urile de la imagini. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator Postat Iunie 29, 2018 Partajează Postat Iunie 29, 2018 Design and Comparison of Two Front-end Dc/Dc Converters: LLC Resonant Converter and Soft-switched Phase-shifted Full-bridge Converter with Primary-side Energy Storage Inductor Chen Zhao, Xinke Wu, Zhaoming Qian (IEEE Senior Member) College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University IV. CONCLUSION This paper focuses on the comparison between the LLC resonant converter and the soft-switched phase shift fullbridge converter mainly in three parts when they are used as the front-end Dc/Dc converter of the power supply adapter for the medium power level applications. LLC resonant converter definitely shows better performance in conversion efficiency and power density, no matter in the theoretical analysis or in the experimental results. But its relatively narrow bandwidth increases the difficult in dynamic response consideration. Large output capacitance and Dc bias capacitance are needed to guarantee the acceptable output voltage drop during the load shift and the control circuit operation during the burst mode. Link spre comentariu
iop95 Postat Iulie 1, 2018 Partajează Postat Iulie 1, 2018 O abordare ceva mai intuitiva. Link spre comentariu
iop95 Postat Iulie 1, 2018 Partajează Postat Iulie 1, 2018 Forme de unda tipice pentru ZVS. Link spre comentariu
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