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Amplif in clasa D cu modul mono Hypex UcD180

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Si literatura... daca nu esti convins de text, atunci ai dreptate. Un amplif carnos si translucid. Nu cred ca merita banii.


As a matter of fact the presentation of sound is quite similar to a good class A amplifier or a single ended triode unit. Something - so to say - very different from the T-Amp, that I'll use as a reference, just because it is another widely known example of new Class-D technology amplifier.


The sound is clear, rather transparent, precise, detailed, with that specific "lucid" presentation typical of triode units.


Low frequencies are well present and controlled, even though perhaps not as much as you would expect from an amplifer with a damping factor of 400. The entire bass range is definitely round and full, pleasant and effective, exactly as it happens with many tubed amp systems.


Mid range is clean and smooth, not especially in evidence, but enough to give voices the correct body and appearance.


High frequencies are open, clear, lucid, really tubey. Given these qualities, the unit does not forgive sources with a "digital" flavour in the sound! In such a case the sound becomes rather "viscid", unnatural and as such unpleasant. Otherwise, it is limpid and smooth.


The soundstage is very wide and precise. No artificial depth seems to have been added, but all the natural depth of the recording is correctly presented. Despite the precision in the instruments portraits and in their positioning, the music, again as in tube units, tends to appear more as a wholethan decomposed and dissected in its components as with T-Amp, for example. So the soundstage is very natural, very realistic, and very involving.


The black areas among instruments and players are therefore vibrating with music, instead of being empty like it sometimes happens with the T-Amp. However, a lot of details and ambience informations are transferred to the listener while that strange (T-Ampesque) feeling of shortened sound queues is completely missing.


The sound is always smooth and sweet, even though powerful.


Anyway, while the sound character is in some way similar to the SET's one, the energy delivered to the loudspeakers is a completely different thing: even with my speakers, which in spite of a relatively high sensitivity of 90-91dB are well known to be a difficult load, the power is definitely there, and even though I still have not found the amp that makes them really fly (in facts no one of the amps I tested through the years have been able to fully achieve these result...), I have never heard them getting any closer to the take-off.


Only at exceptionally high levels (really far, far higher than any normal listening level I can imagine of), and in presence of very complicated musical patterns and difficult loads, I have perceived something like an hint of grain. Actually it could have been - perhaps - a trouble in very high frequencies (cymbals, for example) reproduction in the most complex situation, or even early saturation: the listening level was so high that even a 180 watts unit might have been running out of steam...

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Editat de Real Minitehnicus
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Norma.De ce sa nu fiu?Ai impresia ca Accuphase e facut de extraterestri???.Din moment ce le am unul langa altul, imi pot face o idee.Faza mai rea sau mai buna e ca am si un SE cu 2A3 care suna peste ambele mai bine.O fii distoriuni de un fel mai placute, ori altceva , dar in cazul 2A3 basul coboara muuult mai bine decat astea doua.Mai am un PP cu GU19 de aprox 27 de wat pe canal.Asta ar fii al doilea in ordinea calitatii.

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