dan cod Postat Septembrie 19, 2018 Partajează Postat Septembrie 19, 2018 (editat) La 18.04.2017 la 17:33, kinderu56 a spus: ma refeream la clona JBC Uite că au clonat-o https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32571552124.html?pid=808_0000_0101&spm=a2g0n.search-amp.list.32571552124&aff_trace_key=f8df1b13a5a64e9cbc9af130f524571d-1535305964254-04250-UneMJZVf&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=msite Apropo face cineva pe bani una?fara cutie doar placa electronica cu totul doar traf și letcon sa mai trebuiască? Editat Septembrie 20, 2018 de dan cod Link spre comentariu
kh9005 Postat Octombrie 5, 2018 Partajează Postat Octombrie 5, 2018 Eu am cateva PCB de la Unidolder 5.2. Daca te ajuta, unul e al tau. Gratuit. Link spre comentariu
dan cod Postat Octombrie 7, 2018 Partajează Postat Octombrie 7, 2018 Poți te rog să îmi dai amănunte?Chiar pe pm să nu i carcam aici. Mulțumesc mult. Link spre comentariu
dreamcat4 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2019 Partajează Postat Ianuarie 31, 2019 La 03.06.2017 la 10:59, x_dadu a spus: For now this is all, simple and functional. @x_dad Hello, you have an amazing project! Unfortunately I cannot see any of the images uploaded. All of the links to postimg.org (so pretty much everything is broken / missing. OK is the archives with the firmware / software. And the level shifter companion board. Do you still have the original project files, to upload again somewhere? It would really be great, thank you. You released a circuit schematic, or main PCB image? I'm not sure. I seem to be missing the PCB*.jpg (as quoted above). They are significant ? But sorry to ask... now finding the PCB in the archive CC.zip... 'CC/driver JBC Arduino.lay6'. OK then! Must read back all of the thread. Link spre comentariu
XAN77 Postat Februarie 1, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Februarie 1, 2019 I think there were snaps from the sprintlayout project in those pictures. One thing to remember is what must be planted because the wiring is done to control 2 channels, 2 JBC cartridges, but the software currently uses 1. Attach the picture in which it is framed with yellow to be planted. Otherwise it respects the project in the archive I did not draw a schematic, I directly made the wiring in Sprint Layout. Link spre comentariu
dreamcat4 Postat Februarie 1, 2019 Partajează Postat Februarie 1, 2019 35 minutes ago, x_dadu said: Attach the picture in which it is framed with yellow to be planted. Otherwise it respects the project in the archive Ah thanks... Yes I see now. Comparing it to the open file in sprint layout. But I cannot understand ^^ the meaning for this word: 'planted' in translation of english. Maybe it can be explained with other word(s) / description? I can see the 2 yellow outline shapes. Which is not any visible layer I could see in the file of 'CC/driver JBC Arduino.lay6'. Why does it matter? To help understand the meaning of it. Thank you. Link spre comentariu
XAN77 Postat Februarie 1, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Februarie 1, 2019 Hardware can drive 2 JBC cartridge, but software drive just 1, so there is no sense to put all the component. Is enough to put (plant) just the component în the yellow zones, for chanell 1. One chanell mean one MCP6022 and one TSM4459, with of course discret components around them. Link spre comentariu
dreamcat4 Postat Februarie 1, 2019 Partajează Postat Februarie 1, 2019 (editat) 1 hour ago, x_dadu said: there is no sense to put all the component. Is enough to put (plant) just the component în the yellow zones, for chanell 1. One chanell mean one MCP6022 and one TSM4459, with of course discret components around them. Aah ok... it is understood . Thanks for explaining this! I shall probably go away now for quite a while. As to order necessary parts. It takes time for shipping. But before I do that, also wanted to say: Stumbled on this other 'similar' projects online, with same general goals. However it's implementation / execution is different to your arduino based solution. Here: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/reviews/stm32-oled-digital-soldering-station-for-t12-handle/ So I also asked them about some basic concerns / questions. To know more about them (http://www.eevblog.com/forum/reviews/stm32-oled-digital-soldering-station-for-t12-handle/msg2167015/#msg2167015). No reply just yet. Anyway, I am likely thinking because both the project costs is very low (both your and theirs, are very cheap). Then I can just try to make both of them. To compare / find out and see for myself. It cannot hurt. And maybe learn something from the other one. This will not be soon though. Maybe in a few months time. Another individual who has made (more expensive) a commercial solution is Hazar in Turkey. Who is selling as pre-made (v3.2) controller for JCB T245. https://www.team-ncrc.com/shop/product/soldering-station-jbc/7882 And the performance is excellent. It draws 8 amps @ 24v, and the heat up time from cold is only 3-4 seconds. So performance of his solution is similar the real JBC stations. (not open source, the unit is $70 USD + shipping and customs charges). The reason I also mention that one is the details on the product page: Which talks about a lot of technical things. For example: One of interest the ambient baseline temperature compensation feature. For more accurate plotting / knowing of the temperature / better control of the tip. How can we use that? Well it is also documented on Hazars blog, his research: http://www.hazarkarabay.com.tr/elektronik/jbc-kontrolcu-sicaklik-olcumu/ where he plotted a very detailed CSV data points. Measuring the response of the JBC cartridge tip sensor, against another thermocouple. To see where is the zero-crossing point (+c constant). And similar helps. Perhaps it can make our other projects. It is a good to research. Just to know! Editat Februarie 1, 2019 de dreamcat4 Link spre comentariu
bandutoiu Postat Februarie 15, 2019 Partajează Postat Februarie 15, 2019 poti sa modifici softul si pentru afisaj 2x16 pentru modelul cu arduino nano Link spre comentariu
XAN77 Postat Februarie 15, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Februarie 15, 2019 Dacă e cumva o întrebare, probabil e pentru mine. Pot modifica softul dar puțin probabil să o fac având în vedere că nu folosesc deloc varianta cu arduino, am montajul așa cum l-am prezentaat dar stă deocamdată degeaba în cutia cu maimuțe. Eu folosesc prima variantă, fiind integrată în carcasa stației Gordak. Link spre comentariu
dreamcat4 Postat Februarie 15, 2019 Partajează Postat Februarie 15, 2019 Certainly I was also wondering about the software: Can the firmware's source files be released / open sourced? To allow others to improve it, and to contribute back for such improvements. Link spre comentariu
bandutoiu Postat Februarie 15, 2019 Partajează Postat Februarie 15, 2019 Am facut si eu prima varianta si ma gindeam sa fac si varianta cu arduino sa vad cum merge dar nu imi place afisajul mi se pare prea mic.Multumesc Link spre comentariu
XAN77 Postat Februarie 16, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Februarie 16, 2019 Acum 13 ore, dreamcat4 a spus: Certainly I was also wondering about the software: Can the firmware's source files be released / open sourced? To allow others to improve it, and to contribute back for such improvements. for now I'm not willing to provide the source code Link spre comentariu
XAN77 Postat Februarie 18, 2019 Autor Partajează Postat Februarie 18, 2019 (editat) La 15.02.2019 la 21:23, bandutoiu a spus: Am facut si eu prima varianta si ma gindeam sa fac si varianta cu arduino sa vad cum merge dar nu imi place afisajul mi se pare prea mic.Multumesc Deci tu zici că afișajul ăla de Nokia e mai mic ca un 16x2 ? Eu nu sunt de aceeași părere. Mai vezi odată filmulețul de la pagina 13. Caracterele pentru temperatura în timpul funcționării sunt mult mai mari și vizibile decât un banal 16x2. Plus de asta un grafic, zic eu, arată mai bine. Eu am mai făcut teste cu OLED-ul de 0,96" care întradevăr e mic dar se vede super frumos indiferent de unghi/direcție. la fel am făcut ceva teste și cu un display color care însă se vede foarte diferit din unghiuri diferite, de, ce să-i faci, calitatea slabă a displayului. Să mă apuc să fac un soft pentru un 16x2 mi s-ar părea un downgrade. Dar recunosc că e co chestiune de preferințe personale. Eram și eu fan HD44780 dar unul din dezavantajele lui este chiar faptul că e prea mic și nu mă refer la displayul în sine, el e mare, ci la caractere, că alea contează. Un 16x4 sau 20x4 îți permite să faci niște caractere mari înalte de 4 rânduri, dar cu un 16x2 mai greu. Din teste: Editat Februarie 18, 2019 de x_dadu Link spre comentariu
dreamcat4 Postat Februarie 18, 2019 Partajează Postat Februarie 18, 2019 Well the largest size of OLED screen I found was this one. Which is 2.42 inch https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2-42-Inch-LCD-Screen-12864-OLED-Display-Module-IIC-I2C-SPI-Serial-C51-STM32-SSD1309/32899805562.html However it seems to be rather expensive compared to these other options being considered. There are probably some others which are in-between. Did I did not see / did not find those. Link spre comentariu
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