Vizitator petreanupaul Postat Decembrie 11, 2015 Partajează Postat Decembrie 11, 2015 Buna ziua am o masina Indesit ws84tx cand o pornesc programatorul incepe sa se roteasca de la sine , am inlocuit atat programatorul cat si placa de comanda si in situatia asta programatorul pleca singur si nu se mai oprea aveti cam ce ar putea fi multumesc Link spre comentariu
euvasile Postat Decembrie 12, 2015 Partajează Postat Decembrie 12, 2015 La unele modele cand incepe butonul de la programator sa se roteasca singur atunci trebuie procedat in felul urmator : -se pune masina sub tensiune -se lasa butonul programatorului sa se roteasca pana ajunce in directia punctului negru (oricare dintre ele sunt mai multe) -se scote de sub tensiune cand a ajuns butonul in directia punctului negru -se lasa fara tensiune cateva momente -se reporneste Se repeta procedeul de cateva ori daca nu s-a restartat . 0 am uitat sa incarc poza aveti poza Link spre comentariu
Vizitator ionpconstantin Postat Decembrie 12, 2015 Partajează Postat Decembrie 12, 2015 Buna seara Acest tip de masina de spalat are proprietatea de ati arata ce defect are prin rotirea continua a programatorului , iar ledul care arata i si o deciintrarea curentului electric in masina va incepe sa clipeasca si in functie de numarul de clipiri iti arata ce defect are. La revedere Vedeti daca va ajuta la ceva : 1. Reading the error code The fault on the appliance is signalled via: 1. the continuous rotation of the selector knob 2. the action, for the first 4', of the electrovalve and the drain pump 3. the door becomes unlocked 4. the led flashes: the number of flashes indicates the fault code; the code should be read as follows: · each fast flash (2/3 flashes of the led very close together) represents one code value · the fault code is evaluated by counting the number of flashes occurring at 3/4" intervals from one another · stop counting when the washing machine waits the equivalent of approximately 8/9" between flashes · the procedure is repeated by the appliance cyclically F01: Triac Short circuit Overhaul CNE Replace Card F02: Blocked Motor, Short-circuited/Open Tachometry Overhaul CNE Overhaul Motor connector Control CNE Continuity/Motor Connector Control Motor Windings Control Tachometry Windings Replace Card F03: Open/Short-Circuited NTC Found Overhaul CNA Control NTC Wiring Control CNA/NTC Wiring Continuity Replace NTC Replace Card F04: Overflow and Pressure Switch Empty found at the same time (Pressure Switch stuck on Empty) Overhaul CN1 Overhaul Pressure Switch Contacts Control CN1/Pressure Switch Continuity Replace Pressure Switch Replace Card F05: Blocked Pump or Pressure Switch stuck on Empty Found Overhaul CNF (pump connector) Overhaul Pump Connector Control Pump Filter Control Pump Windings Change Pump Replace Card F06: Selector Error (a part no. cannot be found) Overhaul CND (selector connector) Overhaul Selector Connector Control Selector/CND Continuity Control Selector Motor Replace Selector Replace Card F07: Resistance Relay Stuck Overhaul CN1 Overhaul CN1 Overhaul Resistance Connection Replace Card mod.WS84TXEX page 14 Overhaul Resistance Connection Replace Card F08: Resistance Missing or Pressure Switch stuck on Full Found Overhaul CN1 Overhaul Resistance Connection Overhaul Pressure Switch Connection Replace Resistance Replace Pressure Switch Replace Card F09: Machine Setup Error Found Control Microprocessor Version Ask for EEPROM Spare Part indicating Microprocessor version F10: Pressure Switch Empty and Full or neither Empty nor Full Pressure Switch Found Overhaul CN1 Overhaul Pressure Switch Wiring Control CN1/Pressure Switch Continuity Replace Pressure Switch Replace Card F11: Pump Feedback Missing Overhaul CN1 Overhaul CNF Overhaul Pump Connector Overhaul Pressure Switch Connector Control Pump Windings Replace Pump Replace Card F12 SPECIFIC FOR LVB2000 INDESIT EVOLUTION / DIALOGIC. F12: Lack of Display card-Main Card Communication 1. Check the effectiveness of contacts on CNC Connector Card 2. Overhaul 8-way connector on Display card 3. Check continuity of CNC-CN 8 way connector 4. Replace Main Card 5. Replace Display Card F13: NTC wiring harness disconnected from the dryer system 1. Check the efficiency of the terminals on the CNA connector board 2. Check NTC wiring harness 3. Check the wiring harness continuity of the CNA / NTC connectors 4. Replace NTC 5. Replace terminal board F14: Dryer connector open or not connected 1. Check the efficiency of the terminals on the CNI connector board 2. Overhaul CN1 3. Overhaul connector connection 4. Replace the board.Merloni Elettrodomestici F15: Dryer connector is always active 1. Check the efficiency of the terminals on the CNI connector board 2. Overhaul connector connection 3. Overhaul the pressure sensor connection 4. Replace the connector mod.WS84TXEX page 15 5. Replace pressure sensor 6. Replace the board F16: Non-functioning basket block 1. Go over connector card CNC 2. Go over connector basket block 3. Control Continuity of cabling CNC / basket block and basket block supply 4. Replace basket block 5. Replace card N.B.From Fault F01 to fault F11 These are shown by LEDs in stand by/on in LVB2000 machines Ariston/Indesit. From fault F01 to fault F12 These are shown in a display located on the instrument panel of LVB2000 ma-chines Evolution Indesit. From fault F01 to fault F15 Are those that are indicated according to the version via LED stand by/on or display positioned on the Wash Dry machine Ariston/Indesit panel. 4. Replacing the card Should you have to replace the card: · retrieve the EEPROM from the old card · reassemble the EEPROM onto the new replacement card (without EEPROM) In the event, and only in this case: · an F02 has been detected · the above-mentioned checks have been carried out and no problems have been detected on the wiring or to the motor · the card fitted onto the washing machine is a 12 or 20 version (the version is indicated by a label on the module-containing box with SW20 or SW12) you should: · fit on a new card (version 32 or above) · fit on an updated EEPROM to request from the assistance service centre, stating the code (e.g. 80xxxxx0000 or 46xxxxx0000), the serial number and the washing machine model. Link spre comentariu
Vizitator petreanupaul Postat Decembrie 12, 2015 Partajează Postat Decembrie 12, 2015 Multumesc pentru informatii Link spre comentariu
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