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Surse SMPS rezonante/cvasirezonante


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Sa-l stapanesti sanatos !

Mi se pare prea mare pauza.


EDIT: eu am pus mereu un set de 3 oscilograme: aprox la rezonanta, sub si peste cu un procent oarecare:


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Timpul mort ar fi pe la 0,8uS. O sa incerc sa il mai reduc sau o sa mai jonglez putin pe la frecventa

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Sonda de curent prima data am avut-o in secundar pusa.

Acum am pus-o in primar.

Daca maresc frecventa arata urat curentu

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Cum adica a transformat-o in LLC? Nu era LLC?

Tot timpul a fost LLC, in diverse regimuri de functionare.


Daca mai mariti un pic frecventa, pana aproape de rezonanta, caderea de tensiune cu sarcina ar trebui sa fie si mai mica.

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Series resonant converters
The circuit diagram of an SRC is shown in Fig. 1.20. The DC
characteristic of the SRC is shown in Fig. 1.21. The operating
region is on the right side of resonant frequency f0 owing to
preferred ZVS operation.
It can be seen from the operating region that at light load,
the switching frequency needs to increase to a very high value
to keep the output voltage regulated. Theoretically, the SRC
will lose voltage regulation capability at a no load
condition. This is a problem for SRC.
At 300V input, the converter is working close to resonant
frequency. As the input voltage increases, the converter is
working at a higher frequency, away from the resonant
frequency. This means more and more energy is circulating in
the resonant tank instead of being transferred to output.
On the other hand, when converters operate far from the
resonant frequency, the turn-off current increases
significantly due to large phase shift between excitation
voltage and current of the resonant tank. The switching loss
will be high.
With the above analysis, we can see that SRC is not a good
candidate for dc-dc converters with holdup time requirement.
The major problems are: light-load regulation, high
circulating energy and high turn-off current at nominal input
LLC resonant converters, illustrated in Fig. 1.26, have been
studied for a long time. In 1990, A.K.S. Bhat proposed LLC
resonant converter [C.50]. However, the LLC converter was
designed similar as a series resonant converter. Thus, its
superior characteristics were not fully utilized. For a while,
the LLC resonant converters were almost neglected. However, in
2002, B. Yang and F.C. Lee revealed the advantages of LLC
resonant converters [C.51]. Since then, LLC resonant
converters have drawn a lot of attention [C.51]–[C.59].
Based on the LLC resonant tank, different topologies, such as
half-bridge and three-level structures, are utilized for
different applications [C.51]-[C.59]. Two-phase LLCs are
proposed in [C.57]. Variable frequency control is the major
control method. A digitally controlled LLC resonant converter
is also reported in [C.58]. Optimal designs of LLC resonant
converters are discussed in [C.52] and [C.56].
The voltage gain of the LLC resonant converter is drawn in
Fig. 1.27. With variable frequency control, the voltage gain
of LLC resonant converter can be controlled as boost mode or
buck mode. During the holdup time, the LLC resonant converter
can operate in boost mode. Thus, high voltage gain is
achieved. Meanwhile, at the nominal condition, the LLC
resonant converter operates very close to the resonant
frequency, which is the best operation point to accomplish
high efficiency. In addition, voltage gains of different Q
converge at the series resonant point. The LLC resonant tank
parameters can be optimized to achieve high efficiency for a
wide load range. As a result, holdup time extension capability
is accomplished without sacrificing the efficiency at the
nominal condition. The LLC resonant converter is considered as
one of the most desirable topologies for wide input voltage
The advantages of LLC resonant converters are:
ZVS capability from the zero load to the full load and low
turn-off current for primary side switches, so switching loss
is low;
Zero-current-switching (ZCS) is achieved for secondary side
rectifiers and low voltage stress;
High voltage gain capability, which is suitable for holdup
time operation, and means that bulky capacitors can be reduced
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N-am inteles ce vreti sa aratati cu descrierea postata.

Daca inainte, cu bobina separata era LLC (deci in niciun caz SRC), acum cu inductanta de scapari pe post de bobina de rezonanta cum ar putea fi "transformata" in LLC.


Si acum raportul Lp/Lr este f mare si caracteristica f aplatizata...poate fi ok pentru operare la frecv fixa.

Daca inductanta de scapari a ramas la 22.7micro, cu 220nF frecv de rezonanta este la 69.85k.

Operand la 56.5k, pentru sarcini mai mari de 5A o sa iasa din ZVS.

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In ultimu experiment am modificat putin trafu si inductanta de pierderi nu mai e de 22uH, este de 41uH iar capacitatea serie este de 2x68nF care masurata imi da 120nF. Frecventa de lucru a oscilatorului este de 56khz.

In pozele de mai jos e curentul si tensiunea direct in primarul trafului ETD49

Prima poza e fara sarcina

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Cum am mai zis, daca incep sa maresc frecventa oscilatorului, incepe curentul sa capete incet forma din poza de mai jos


Daca micsorez frecventa, curentul isi pastreaza forma curbata, dar pauza aia din mijloc semnalata de @miticamy in postul #631 se lateste tot mai mult. Practic cum e acum la frecventa de 56khz curentul arata cel mai ''sinusoidal''

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Deocamdata fiind un traf de curent facut pe genunchi, nu m-a interesat valoarea curentului. M-a interesat mai mult forma lui. Oricum, multumesc de pont, mai am de butonat prin setarile osciloscopului pana mai invat una alta


Revin cu niste poze la forma tensiunii pe capetele condensatorului serie cu traful ETD49. Cu galben este la condensator si cu mov e curentul prin traf

Prima este fara sarcina



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Am zis mai demult ca la urmatoarea SMPS voi face filmari.

Am mai modificat o sursa de Yamaha, transformata dupa nevoile (puterea) clientului, aveti filmare cu formele de curent.


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Nustiu care e secretul tau, dar imi place ce le faci ! :aplauze


PS: De ce joaca sinusoida aia asa pe osciloscop ?


PS2: Poti pune o oscilograma cu tensiunea pe iesire a unei surse d-asta rezonanta de o faci tu ? Dar oscul dat pe AC si la cea mai mica treapta de tensiune. Adica as fi interesat sa vad daca mai sint mizerii pe tensiune cum e la cele hard swiching...

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O sa fac miine, deja sint la job...

Asa joaca ea, si la smps mele face la fel.

Secretul meu este experienta sau mai bine zis experimentarile facute dealungul timpului.

In tot ceea ce fac, niciodata nu am calculat nimic...

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