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Strung SN320

Vizitator craciunescu bogdan

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Nu, pentru ca este doar o metoda de a uza rapid surubul conducator si/sau piulita, pentru ca o cuplezi in sarcina (inertia saniei, care are cred ca peste 100 kg cu totul la SN 320).

Metoda de a fileta pe strunguri mari e sa tii surubul cuplat si te intorci inversand sensul, in timp ce scoti cutitul din span.

Dupa ce ai trecut de capat spre dreapta aduci cutitul la noua cota si inversezi iar.

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Ceva adevar este in tot ce spui, cel putin un nene ocoleste filetarea cu indicator desi`l are.

E adevarat ca s strungul ala e marisor, e ceva Knuth , cred ca`i tot chinezesc dar e unu mare!





Incep sa cred ca mai nou tot ce se mai produce e facut in China,  Hilti au produse Made in China!!

Tot mai trist dar din pacate adevarat!



Imi place blocarea piulitei, era sa`i zic lacat!  :d :d

Editat de Ion_Bumbu
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Vizitator Jakub Exner

Hello everybody,


sorry for English (I am from Czech republic). I have this lathe SN320 too and I have problem. On my lathe is 3 jaw chuck and I want to take it down and put there 4 jaw chuck. Unfortunately I can’t loosen nut (green in picture). I tried it to both direction, but no results. Anyway, is direction drawed on picture right? And how you loos this nut?


Thank you!


Posted Image

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Using a very large but otherwise standard C wrench. Turn it the normal way, not as in the picture. You might have to use an extension bar (read - pipe), the nut tends to stick.


Posted ImageIMG_2163 by bcristian, on Flickr


Go through my other pics there for the factory manual (in Romanian, but has schematics and standardized stuff like gears and bearings).

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Vizitator Jakub Exner

Thanks for your answers. I know, there is normal sense, but someone tell me, you have to tight nut close to shaft bearing (red direction) and then you can get chuck out. 

So it is not true and right way is uscrew nut close to chuck?

I have hook wrench for it. I’m trying to uscrew it with wood under jaw, but no results. I tried it with pipe on wrench too, but no results too. Tried to lube it with spray - no results. It was never out I think. I don’t know what to do with that. Heating is not good idea I think.  :84


Posted Image

Editat de Jakub Exner
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   Bad ideea. First of all: you do not need to take out the entire flange to put a 4 jaw chuck, you will need only to unscrew three screws from behind of chuck, the flange will remain on the main shaft. You will need to take out the flange only if you want to put a 4 independent jaw chuck plate like the one attached in photos.

  Now the second thing (but the most important), believe and the "someone" guy were right: the red direction arrow drawned by you is the correct way for extract the flange. Don't broke that lathe, is a good one. Think ahead: the flange thread is a normal one, so if you move the wrench as the red direction the nut want to unscrew out of the jaw but it will push in the housing of the bearing (lathe body) and automaticaly will push and depress out the chuck.

  Hope i am clear. Waiting for feedback.


you do not need
you do not need


This is my lathe. Here some photos with my flange and the main shaft. I take it out because i drill three new holes through the entire thickness of the flange, is more strength. The old holes is counterbored holes and i had problems with them.






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Vizitator Jakub Exner

Andrian Pruna: Yes, extracting the flange by nut, that was first my idea. But I never seen that uscrewed, so rather I asked. And yes, I would like to put there chuck with 4 independent jaw (same as on first pictures). :-)

I will try to unscrew that with petrol and some brake fluid and force and we will see. Thank you so much, for all advice!

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@Jakub Exner: In the picture attached to the post # 353, you used correctly key Dutch, but you have not applied the correctly procedure with the piece of wood for the count-force. Much better, the universal lathe would be stuck with a long lever attached between the chuck jaws and propelled backwards by a second person. The way you do, induce great efforts in guiding and shaft bearing. This way, you risk to break the bed frame cast iron structure of the lathe.

Editat de Vizitator
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Am rezolvat cu pana , am facut alta noua cam asa arata :Am desfacut pistonasul de la pompa mecanica de ulei de la carucior , arcul era rupt l-am schimbat dar nu baga ulei.Am facut simulare am invartit (cu o masina de gaurit) de bucsa care se deplaseaza pe bara de avans si care actioneaza excetricul iar acesta pistonasul.Pistonasul se deplaseaza in acel locas actionat de excentric si revenind la pozitia intiala inpins de arc dar nu am gasit nici o bila pe post de supapa sau cum se formeaza presiunea ca sa ajunga uleiul sus in distribuitor.Am verificat conducta care duce la distribuitor , comunica cu corpul pompei , vine si ulei sub pistonas din baie .

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