parutzu Postat Iulie 22, 2015 Autor Partajează Postat Iulie 22, 2015 miezul este E55-28-25 dar nu stiu daca e 3C90 Link spre comentariu
Barbu Andrei Postat August 9, 2015 Partajează Postat August 9, 2015 Pana la urma ai reusit ? Link spre comentariu
parutzu Postat August 9, 2015 Autor Partajează Postat August 9, 2015 L-am abandonat si il tin de piese . Acum ma chinui cu alt invertor cel de la postul telwin force125 Link spre comentariu
sesebe Postat August 9, 2015 Partajează Postat August 9, 2015 Ce am gasit cu G: 3C90 - Standard low frequency (up to 250 KHz) power material. Better power losses than 3C85. Alternative to 3F3 at low frequencies. Can be upgraded to 3C94 for even lower losses. 3C91 - New low-loss, low temperature power material. Recommended as a possible upgrade from 3C81. 3C92 - New low-loss, high saturation power material. Recommended for gapped cores for power choke applications. Now available in most shapes. 3C93 - New high temperature power material. Recommended for automotive and lighting applications. Not yet available in some shapes. 3C94 - Low-loss, low frequency (up to 300 KHz) power material. Upgrade from 3C90 or possibly 3F3 (under certain conditions). 3C96 - New low-loss, low frequency (up to 400 KHz) power material. Upgrade from 3C90 or possibly 3F3 (under certain conditions). Not yet available in some shapes. Better than 3C94 at high temperatures (~90C) 3F3 - Old high frequency power material. Still available. Formerly our best power material, but new materials may have better performance (depends on conditions). 3C94 is better at low frequencies, 3F35 is better at higher frequencies. Recommended for frequencies from 200 KHz to 700 KHz. Vad ca stapinesti bine gogu. Ce material imi recomanzi mie pt 2.1MHz? Puteri mici nu pt sudura, si mai important si de unde il pot cumpara! Link spre comentariu
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