arcgotic Postat Martie 9, 2015 Partajează Postat Martie 9, 2015 Salutare! Adaug un topic sa discutam despre crossovere active implementate software in PC. Ce am folosit: Thuneau alocator. Ce folosesc: SXQ. Dati-i un test run, eu sunt foarte multumit. Sistemul actual e tri-amplificat. Woofere H frame open baffle cu difuri de 15, medii si inalte. Link spre comentariu
arcgotic Postat Aprilie 30, 2015 Autor Partajează Postat Aprilie 30, 2015 Nimeni nimic? OT: incercati player-ul Bug Head Emperor. Mai multe info pe google si mai jos: Link spre comentariu
bogdanc2011 Postat Aprilie 30, 2015 Partajează Postat Aprilie 30, 2015 (editat) Eu m-am jucat cu PatchMix DSP. E softul cu care lucreaza placa mea de sunet. Nu am decat o iesire analogica, asa ca am folosit-o ca sa testez diferite frecvente de crossover. Am scos fiecare canal (adica dreapta si stanga) pe cate un canal dedicat in mixer unde am pus cate un filtru (de ex. stanga lowpass, dreapta highpass). Iesirea se duce in amplificator apoi la difuzoare. Cel de joase pe canalul stanga, cel de inalte pe canalul dreapta. Astfel pot controla independent nivelul fiecarui canal si caracteristicile filtrelor. Din pacate n-am reusit asta decat pe ASIO, deci trebuie sa folosesc programul de facut muzica pentru redare. A, si sursa trebuie sa fie adusa pe mono, evident. Editat Aprilie 30, 2015 de bogdanc2011 Link spre comentariu
arcgotic Postat Mai 4, 2015 Autor Partajează Postat Mai 4, 2015 Daca ai placa integrata 5.1 poti incerca SXQ-ul, merge f bine pe un Realtek mai nou. Si ca player, am gasit asta, suna bine bine: Link spre comentariu
arcgotic Postat Iunie 19, 2015 Autor Partajează Postat Iunie 19, 2015 Tot ca player, HQPlayer este de incercat. E gratuit 30zile. Link spre comentariu
arcgotic Postat Ianuarie 22, 2016 Autor Partajează Postat Ianuarie 22, 2016 (editat) Postez mai jos un copy-paste din fisierul ce l-am scris cand mi-am instalat crossover-ul activ pe Ubuntu. Poate e util cuiva. Mie mi-a luat ceva timp pana am setat software-ul si m-am gandit sa documentez pasii. Conversation opened. 5 messages. All messages read. stiut, pentru a deschide gedit cu drepturi de admin, ruleaza gksudo gedit1.instaleaza:sudo apt-get install build-essential g++apoi instaleazasudo apt-get install /proc/asound/cardsafiseaza:0 [NVidia ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia HDA NVidia at 0xfae78000 irq 20 1 [u7 ]: USB-Audio - Xonar U7 ASUS Xonar U7 at usb-0000:00:04.1-1, high speed3.aplay -Lafiseaza:default Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound servernull Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)pulse PulseAudio Sound Serversysdefault:CARD=NVidia HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog Default Audio Devicefront:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog Front speakerssurround40:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog 4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakerssurround41:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog 4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakerssurround50:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog 5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakerssurround51:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog 5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakerssurround71:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog 7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakersiec958:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Digital IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Outputhdmi:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, HDMI 0 HDMI Audio Outputdmix:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog Direct sample mixing devicedmix:CARD=NVidia,DEV=1 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Digital Direct sample mixing devicedmix:CARD=NVidia,DEV=3 HDA NVidia, HDMI 0 Direct sample mixing devicedsnoop:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog Direct sample snooping devicedsnoop:CARD=NVidia,DEV=1 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Digital Direct sample snooping devicedsnoop:CARD=NVidia,DEV=3 HDA NVidia, HDMI 0 Direct sample snooping devicehw:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog Direct hardware device without any conversionshw:CARD=NVidia,DEV=1 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Digital Direct hardware device without any conversionshw:CARD=NVidia,DEV=3 HDA NVidia, HDMI 0 Direct hardware device without any conversionsplughw:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Analog Hardware device with all software conversionsplughw:CARD=NVidia,DEV=1 HDA NVidia, ALC889A Digital Hardware device with all software conversionsplughw:CARD=NVidia,DEV=3 HDA NVidia, HDMI 0 Hardware device with all software conversionssysdefault:CARD=U7 Xonar U7, USB Audio Default Audio Devicefront:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio Front speakerssurround40:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio 4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakerssurround41:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio 4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakerssurround50:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio 5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakerssurround51:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio 5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakerssurround71:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio 7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakersiec958:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Outputdmix:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio Direct sample mixing devicedmix:CARD=U7,DEV=1 Xonar U7, USB Audio #1 Direct sample mixing devicedmix:CARD=U7,DEV=2 Xonar U7, USB Audio #2 Direct sample mixing devicedsnoop:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio Direct sample snooping devicedsnoop:CARD=U7,DEV=1 Xonar U7, USB Audio #1 Direct sample snooping devicedsnoop:CARD=U7,DEV=2 Xonar U7, USB Audio #2 Direct sample snooping devicehw:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio Direct hardware device without any conversionshw:CARD=U7,DEV=1 Xonar U7, USB Audio #1 Direct hardware device without any conversionshw:CARD=U7,DEV=2 Xonar U7, USB Audio #2 Direct hardware device without any conversionsplughw:CARD=U7,DEV=0 Xonar U7, USB Audio Hardware device with all software conversionsplughw:CARD=U7,DEV=1 Xonar U7, USB Audio #1 Hardware device with all software conversionsplughw:CARD=U7,DEV=2 Xonar U7, USB Audio #2 Hardware device with all software conversions4.speaker-test -D surround51:U7 -c 6 -t wavface play loop pe toate iesirile.5.ecasound -tl -i /home/dani/Downloads/chan_labels_6.wav -f:16,6,44100 -eadb:-24 -o alsa,surround51:U7ar trebui sa faca play pe toate iesirile..dar nu face in toate..6.mergi in folderul unde ai pus pluginurile lui CharlesLaub si ruleaza de acolo din terminal (vezi si readme.txt):export LADSPA_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ladspa:/usr/lib/ladspaapoi ruleazamakesi apoisudo make install7.have fun.. glumesc.incearca ceva de genul (vezi, ar trebui sa se auda muzica nefiltrata.ecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre1 -i:/home/dani/Downloads/She.mp3 -pf:pre1.ecp -o:loop,1 -a:pre2,woofer -i:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,2 -a:pre2 -pf:pre2.ecp -o loop,2 -a:woofer -pf:woofer.ecp -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -pf:mid.ecp -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -pf:tweeter.ecp -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:U78.instaleaza VLC din software center.9. instaleaza un loop device ALSA9.1instaleaza pluginurile RT a deschide gedit cu drepturi de admin, ruleaza gksudo geditdaca nu le gaseste cand rulezi ecasound...-el:..verifica sa ai rulatexport LADSPA_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ladspa:/usr/lib/ladspa(vezi in /usr/local/lib/ladspa, ar trebui sa vezi fisierele .so ale pluginurilor.10.incearca comandaecasound -i:alsahw,2,1 -o:alsa,surround51:U7Inainte sa dai play la VLC, vlc fiind setat pe loopback output device.alsahw,2,1 inseamna card number 2, device 1 (vezi Loopback ce numere are in aplay -l)Daca nu ai loopback, vezi modprobe snd-aloopincearca comandaecasound -i:alsahw,2,1 -el:ACDf, 2, 1, 0, 500, 0.7071, 0, 0 -o:alsa,surround51:U7ecasound -i:alsahw,2,1 -el:RTlr4hipass,1500 -el:delay_0.01s,0.0019,1 -eadb:-4.5 -o:alsa,surround51:U711.creaza ce le 4 fisiere cu continutul de mai jop (exemplu, in /etc):# /etc/woofer.ecp:-el:RTlr4lowpass,150# /etc/pre.ecp:-el:RTlr4hipass,150# /etc/mid.ecp:-el:RTlr4lowpass,3500# /etc/tweeter.ecp:-el:RTlr4hipass,350012. ruleaza ceva de genulecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,2,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -pf:/etc/pre.ecp -a:woofer -pf:/etc/woofer.ecp -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -pf:/etc/mid.ecp -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -pf:/etc/tweeter.ecp -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:U7sau directecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,2,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,156 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4lowpass,156 -el:RTlowshelf,5.0,93,0.71 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:RTlr4lowpass,1650 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,1650 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:U7cu delayecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,2,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,200 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4lowpass,200 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:RTlr4lowpass,1650 -el:delay_0.01s,0.0006,1 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,1650 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:U712. exemple( example, here are the filter chain definitions for a typical 2-way crossover, using IIR digital filters from rt-plugins and a pure delay from cmt:# pre.ecppre = -el:RTparaeq,-8.5,82,2.6# woofer.ecpwoofer = -el:RTlr4lowpass,1500 -el:RTlowshelf,4.0,150,0.71# tweeter.ecptweeter = -el:RTlr4hipass,1500 -el:delay_0.01s,0.0019,1 -eadb:-4.5Here the “pre” chain contains only one filter: a -8.5dB notch at 82Hz with Q=2.6 (e.g. to suppress a room mode). The “woofer” chain consists of a Linkwitz-Riley 4th-order low-pass at 1500Hz, followed by a shelving filter with a gain of 4dB at low frequencies, centered at 150Hz, Q=0.71. The “tweeter” chain consists of a Linkwitz-Riley high-pass at 1500Hz, a 1.9ms delay (for phase/time alignment of drivers) and 4.5dB of attenuation (to match driver sensitivities).ecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,0,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,150 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4lowpass,150 -eadb:4 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:RTlr4lowpass,1850 -el:delay_0.01s,0.00008,1 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,1850 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:U7ceu delay-uri U7..ecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,0,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,150 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4lowpass,150 -eadb:4 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:RTlr4lowpass,1850 -el:delay_0.01s,0.000075,1 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,1850 -el:delay_0.01s,0.00004,1 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:U7creative:ecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,0,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,110 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4lowpass,110 -eadb:4 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:RTlr4lowpass,1850 -el:delay_0.01s,0.000075,1 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,1850 -el:delay_0.01s,0.00004,1 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:Externalultimaecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,0,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,150 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4lowpass,150 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:RTlr4lowpass,2750 -el:delay_0.01s,0.000075,1 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,2750 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:Externalcreative,but2 pe medie susecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,0,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,150 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4lowpass,150 -eadb:4 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:ACDf,21,0,0,1850,0.7071,0,0 -el:delay_0.01s,0.00008,1 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,1850 -el:delay_0.01s,0.00004,1 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:External2way: ecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,0,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,40 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4lowpass,150 -eadb:4 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:RTlr4lowpass,1850 -el:delay_0.01s,0.000075,1 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,1850 -el:delay_0.01s,0.00004,1 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:Externalultima jbl+alpha+philips twsecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,0,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,140 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4lowpass,140 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:RTlr4lowpass,2250 -el:delay_0.01s,0.000075,1 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,2250 -el:delay_0.01s,0.000085,1 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:Externalcu hipass40 pe bas, lowshelf q0.7 90 7db pe mid:ecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,0,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,120 -a:woofer -el:RTlr4hipass,40 -el:RTlr4lowpass,120 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:ACDf,4,0,7,90,0,0,0 -el:RTlr4lowpass,2250 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,2250 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:Externalultima cu hornuri:ok::W:lr4 si lp1 si lowshelf@70. M:hp si lr4. tw2650.ecasound -z:mixmode,sum -x -a:pre,woofer -i:alsahw,0,1 -a:pre -o:loop,1 -a:mid,tweeter -i:loop,1 -a:pre -el:RTlr4hipass,180 -a:woofer -el:ACDf,1,0,0,150,0,0,0 -el:RTlr4hipass,40 -el:RTlr4lowpass,180 -el:ACDf,4,4,70 -chorder:1,2,0,0,0,0 -a:mid -el:ACDf,2,0,0,270,0,0,0 -el:RTlr4lowpass,2650 -chorder:0,0,1,2,0,0 -a:tweeter -el:RTlr4hipass,2650 -el:delay_0.01s,0.00149,1 -chorder:0,0,0,0,1,2 -a:woofer,mid,tweeter -f:16,6,44100 -o:alsa,surround51:External Daca aveti intrebari, shoot. Am testat 2 placi, un Creative 5.1 USB si un Asus Xonar U7 USB 7.1, si merg bine ambele la 44.1. Editat Ianuarie 22, 2016 de arcgotic 1 Link spre comentariu
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